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上海教师招聘考试之高中英语《Animals in Danger》教案

http://shanghai.hteacher.net 2019-03-25 11:37 上海教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Saving the Antelopes

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can read and use the words “antelope, endanger, poacher, worth, protect”.

Students will be able to understand the passage and grasp the reading strategies of skimming and scanning.

Ability aims:

Students will express their opinions in wildlife protection under the teacher’s guidance.

Students can use different reading strategies to get specific information in a limited time through repeated practice.

Emotional aims:

Students will enhance their wildlife protection awareness and cultivate their social responsibilities.

Students will increase their interest and confidence in English learning.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Words: the meaning and the usage of the words such as "endanger" and "poacher".

Reading strategies: making prediction, skimming and scanning.

Difficult Points:

How to arouse students’ awareness of wildlife protection and how to enable the students to use different strategies proficiently.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Greet students as usual and invite students to enjoy the film clip of Mountain Patrol together. By talking about the tough situation of antelopes, the teacher will lead students to think over the ways of protecting antelopes.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Explain the new words by showing pictures or paraphrasing.

2. Encourage the students to make prediction according to the title and illustration in the reading part.

Step 3 While-reading

1.Fast reading

Ask students to skim the passage quickly and find the main idea to each paragraph, then divide the whole passage into three parts.

2.Careful reading

Require the students to read carefully and answer the following 3 questions:

Q 1: How did Jiesang Suonandajie die?

( He was killed by criminals.)

Q 2: What has the Chinese government done to heip the antelopes?

(It is protecting the antelopes in a nature reserve.)

Q 3: What will happen to the Tibetan Antelopes?

( It munber will continue to increase.)

Step 4 Post-reading

Group discussion: students work in groups of 4 and discuss what we ordinary people should do to protect the antelopes and other endangered animal.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one student to retell the story according to the key words on the screen.

Homework: Ask students to think what they will say to a poacher if they happen to see him trying to kill an endangered animal.



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