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教师招聘小学英语《What does he do?》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-26 17:27 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning, dear judges! I’m number X candidate applying for an English teacher of the XXX School. Today my topic is What does he do? In order to make it clear, I will express my thoughts from the following 5 parts, which are the analysis of the teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.


The first section of my presentation is teaching material. Today’s lesson is Unit 5 of Book 1 of Grade 6, published by People’s Education Press. Students can learn some reading strategies like skimming, scanning and intensive reading to deal with some information. The main theme of this text is close to students’ daily life. Actually they all have had such experience to use language to describe what they like and what they want to be in the future, so this lesson will be quite useful to students’ daily life.

After the analysis of teaching material, let’s move to the teaching objectives.

1. Students can learn some words about jobs like coach, secretary, scientist and get the main idea of the text.

2. Students can learn how to find out the detailed information from the text. And they can improve their reading and writing abilities by finishing some tasks. They can use reading strategies such as skimming, scanning and intensive reading and know how to describe what people like and what kind of job they want.

3. Students can be more interested in English reading and have a correct outlook of career and treat different jobs equally.

Based on the above objectives, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as follows.

Teaching key points are that students can use some reading strategies like skimming, scanning and intensive reading to get the main idea of the text and find out some detailed information.

While the teaching difficult points are that students can improve their reading and writing abilities and treat different jobs equally with a correct view of career.


Knowing students well can help improve class teaching efficiency. Students in grade 6 are around age of 12 or 13, with the increase of their age, students’ cognitive capacity has been improved significantly, and they have had certain skills in English. They are eager to learn, eager to know. What’s more, they are forming the ability to explore English knowledge and to use some tools such as pictures, radios and dictionaries.


As primary school students, they can’t keep their attention for a long time. So I will use some games, some competitions to attract their attention. I will also adopt task-based language teaching and communicative approach. These methods can provide students with opportunities to experience different ways of language study.

To make the class active and stimulate students’ enthusiasms, I will use autonomic learning, cooperating learning and discussion as the learning methods of this class.


Now, let’s move to the most important part—teaching procedures. It contains six steps as follows:

Step 1. Lead-in

For this step, firstly I will start like this: “Doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer, why not president, be a dreamer. You can be just the one you wanna be. Police man, fire fighter or a post man, why not something like your old man. You can be just the one you wanna be.” with the song Be What You Wanna Be and then I will ask students what kind of job they heard and now what kind of job they know. I will choose two or three students to share with others.

The purpose of this step is to elicit the topic of jobs.

Step 2. Pre-reading

In this step, I will present three pictures of Hu Bin, Sarah and Robin on the book one by one to lead students to guess what kind of job they want to do and students can make a prediction about the text.








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