安徽 北京 重庆 福建 广东 甘肃 广西 贵州 河南 河北 湖北 湖南 海南 黑龙江 江西 辽宁

江苏 吉林 宁夏 内蒙古 青海 山东 陕西 四川 山西 上海 深圳 浙江 天津 新疆 云南 西藏

教师招聘小学英语《London is a big city.》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-29 16:41 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Step 2. Presentation

After knowing England, I will show some pictures of London (including the map of London, pictures of Buckingham Palace and the Queen’s house) to let students get familiar with the city. Then, come to the dialogue. Lead students to listen to the tape for the first time with easy questions: How many people are there in the dialogue? Who are they? Through these easy questions, students can have a first impression of the conversation as a whole.

However, understanding the characters only helps students get into the situation, and they need to further deepen their contact with things. So, I will lead students to listen to the tape for the second time. When they listen to the tape, they have to point out what places they heard in these pictures and mark it in the book.

When they listen for the third time, I will ask some questions about language expression in time, just like: What do they say about London? Can you find Buckingham Palace in the dialogue? And how do the two girls feel it? And the big house is Amy’s house? Is Amy’s house beautiful? By answering the questions, they will be guided to learn the language points like some new words (city, big, beautiful, small, queen, close) and some sentences This is … It’s …

After knowing the content of the dialogue, I will lead students to listen to the tape for the last time and imitate the tape to correct their pronunciation and intonation.

Step 3. Practice

For this step, I have 2 activities.

Activity 1: Choose and Say

Two students are in one group. One student chooses one picture about London from the blackboard, and the other student describes the picture with a sentence.

Activity 2: Guessing Game

I will describe one thing in this dialogue without the name, just like “It’s a city. It’s very big. What is it?”. Students in class who have the idea can stand up and give the answer.

Through the above activities, students can get a better understanding of new knowledge and improve their ability of expressing.

Step 4. Consolidation

In this step, I design 1 task: I’m a little guide.

Four students are in one group. Students in the same group can choose some famous places in their favorite city. They can design a travel plan to attract other students to their scenic spots. Then I will invite every group to describe their travel plan. Students can give their stars to the group which they are interested in. The group who gets the most stars will be the Best Tour Guide.

This task can develop students’ ability of using new knowledge in real communication. This opportunity can also stimulate students’ sense of cooperation and competition.

Step 5. Summary

As for the summary, I will encourage students to summarize what they have learned in this lesson, including words and sentence patterns, and I will give some supplements if necessary, and remind them of the importance of observation. This is a better way to get the feedback of teaching efficiency and cultivate students’ ability of observation

Step 6. Homework

For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to write an introduction of one scenic spot they like best and share it in the next class.

By doing the homework, students can strengthen what they have learned after class. Thus, their writing skill will be improved.


After finishing the part of teaching procedures, I will come to the last section: design of the blackboard. As you can see, I have mainly used stick figures to activate the language points so that students will grasp them better and use them in the actual life.









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