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教师招聘初中英语《Will people have robots?》教案

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-29 17:17 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

4. The teacher presents more sentences about the simple future tense with the words to express the quantity: more, less, fewer.

Will there be fewer trees in five years?

There will be less free time.

There will be more trees in the future.

There will be more pollution.

5. Students look at the sentences carefully and then think them over by themselves and discuss them in groups. Then the teacher introduces the usage of them.

T: Can you tell when to use more, less or fewer? Why?


III. Practice

Activity 1: fill in the blanks with more, less or fewer

①In the future, there will be ______ fresh water because there will be ______ pollution in the sea.

②There will be ______ jobs for people because ______ robots will do the same jobs as people.

③There will be ______ cities because people will build ______ buildings in the country.

Activity 2: Make predictions according to the pictures

The teacher shows different dynamic pictures on the screen, inviting students to make predictions about what may happen. The teacher can provide an example for reference.

T: You can express with the sentence pattern: there will be …

【设计意图】通过补全句子练习more, less, fewer的使用,通过图片预测描述练习一般将来时的用法,有助于学生巩固所学知识。

IV. Consolidation

Task: Draw and Describe

Four students in a group and draw a picture of what an ideal city in the future will be like with their group members. Then talk about what they think a city in the future will be like. Some of them will be invited to the front of the class to share their drawings and make an introduction. Others and the teacher choose the most imaginative one.

T: You can first discuss about the future city then draw a picture. Then share the future city with the class.

【设计意图】通过画一画、说一说未来城市的模样,帮助学生练习一般将来时和形容词比较级more, less和fewer。

V. Summary

Students summarize what they have learnt in this lesson, including words and sentence structures, and the teacher gives supplements if necessary, and reminds them to keep a positive attitude towards the changes in the future.


VI. Homework

Share with their family members about the ideal city in the future.











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