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教师招聘初中英语《Do you have a soccer ball?》说课稿

http://www.hteacher.net 2024-01-29 17:06 教师招聘网 [您的教师考试网]

Step 3: Practice

For this step, I have 2 activities. Activity 1: Guessing game. The teacher does the action and students guess what teachers are doing in English. In this way, students can practice the new words. Activity 3: Role play. Ask students to work in pairs to role-play the conversation.

In this way, the new words and sentence patterns will be fully practiced by games and making dialogue, which make the class interesting

Step 4: Consolidation

In this step, I will ask students to do a survey. Four students work as a group to do a survey about the ownership of the members in their groups. Each group will choose a student as the journalist who will ask: Do you have a basketball? And the other students will answer: Yes, I do or no, I don’t. Then I will invite someone to make a report.

The task-based language teaching method adopted in this step will help to develop students’ communication skills.

Step 5: Summary

Students summarize what they have learned in this class. Then I will make some supplements and ask students to keep a good habit of exercise.

Thus, students can summarize what they learned and the teacher can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class. And students can live a healthier life.

Step 6: Homework

For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to review the new words and sentences we have learned today. They also need to ask their parents what kind of balls they have.

By doing the homework, students can strengthen what they have learned after class. And they can use the key sentence and word in the real life.


After finishing the part of teaching procedure, I will come to the last part: design of the blackboard. As you can see, I draw some pictures and write the key sentence pattern on the blackboard.

By looking at the blackboard, it is helpful and vivid for students to get the main content of this lesson clearly and quickly.









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