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江苏教师招聘:小学英语In a nature park 说课稿

http://jiangsu.hteacher.net 2024-07-12 13:25 江苏教师招聘 [您的教师考试网]

Good morning, dear judges. Today, it is my honor to stand here to present my lesson. First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m candidate NO.2, applying for the English teacher of primary school and my topic is In a Nature Park. In order to make it clear, I will express my thoughts from the following 5 parts, which are the analysis of the teaching material, analysis of students, teaching methods and learning methods, teaching procedures and blackboard design. Now I am going to present them one by one.


Next, I will briefly introduce the first part: analysis of teaching material. Today’s lesson is from unit 6 of Book 5, published by PEP. Its main theme is a dialogue about a nature park between a teacher and students. Students can learn to talk about places with sentences “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.” and “No, there isn’t.” Besides that, the topic of this unit is familiar to students’ daily life, so it can attract students’ interest easily.

Given the analysis of teaching material, the teaching objectives are designed as follows:

1. Students can grasp the sentences “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.”; “No, there isn’t.”

2. They can talk with others by using these sentences.

3. With the development of the language study, training speaking ability seems to be more and more important. Students will develop the ability of speaking and communicating by role-play.

4. In addition, developing students’ ability of communication with other people in English is a more challenging objective. Students can use the new words and the sentences to make a conversation and thus their listening skills will be improved.

5. Given that lots of Chinese students are shy to speak English, one objective of this lesson is to encourage students to be brave to speak English by giving them more opportunities to speak English.

6. Their interest in nature will grow and their horizon will also be expanded.

Based on the teaching objectives, the key points and difficult points are designed as follows:

The key points of this lesson are understanding the dialogue and learning sentences “Is there…?”; “Yes, there is.” and “No there isn’t.”

And the difficult points are how to put these new sentences into practical use and improve speaking ability in real situations.


After the analysis of teaching material, now let me analyze the students. Students in grade 5 are around age of 11 or 12. Students around this age are eager to learn and eager to explore new things.

They have already learned English for at least two years. They have obtained some basic knowledge of this topic “nature park”. Students’ ability of communicating in English still needs to be improved.

Students can learn more words and sentences to improve their language ability. What’s more, they are forming the ability to explore English knowledge and skills with some teaching aids such as pictures, radios, and dictionaries.


Based on the analyses of teaching material and students, I will choose situational, task-based language teaching and communicative approach to help students engage in class. The teaching methods combined can make students learn to play and play to learn.

According to teaching objectives and students’ characteristics, in this class, students will get knowledge by individual work and cooperative learning. With these methods, students will work in pairs and in groups to grasp the new phrases and the sentences, which makes class more active and effective.


According to the above analyses, now, let me introduce the most important part: teaching procedures. I will introduce it from the following steps.

Step 1. Lead-in

For this step, I will start like this:

Hello everyone. Do you still remember this song? Follow my left hand, right hand, come on look my way; right hand, left hand, show my dreams and faiths.

Boys and girls, do you know who sings this song? Yes, very good, TF boys! Do you like TF boys? Good! And imagine that you and TF boys are going to travel with us together. Where do you want to go? Today, let’s visit a nature park together.

By singing a familiar song together, students’ attention is easily drawn to the lesson naturally, which helps to form a better English learning environment and lead the topic in.

Step 2. Presentation

In this step, I will ask them to listen to the tape for the first time with one question: What are they talking about? Thus, students will have their first impression about the dialogue.

After answering the question, I will guide the students to open the book and listen to the tape for the second time with two questions: “Is there a river in the forest?” and “Is there a lake in this forest?” By thinking about and answering these two questions, students can understand the key sentences: “Is there…?” and “Yes, there is”; “No there isn’t.” in the context.

Next, I will guide the students to read the key sentence and remind them to pay attention to their pronunciation. I will present the pictures on the blackboard one by one to explain what the meaning of key sentence is. The purpose is to develop students’ listening and speaking ability.

After that, I will play the tape again, and guide students to read after it. The purpose is improving their oral English.

Step 3. Practice

For this step, I will guide students to take part in 2 activities.

Activity 1: Organize students in groups of 2 and do role-play game.

Ask one student to play the part of Zhang Peng, the other one plays the part of Miss White. They practice the dialogue of this lesson. Students in pairs prepare for the role-play game and then act it out.

Activity 2: Hot potato

I will play a game called “hot potato” to choose the groups who are going to show their dialogue in the class. I will play a piece of music and students to pass a ball. When I stop the music, which group get the ball will show the role-play.

By this way, the new sentences will be fully practiced by games, which make the class interesting. Through the game, students can become much more familiar with the new sentences.

Step 4. Consolidation

In this step, I will divide the whole class in pairs and make conversation. And I will let them make a survey about their group members’ favorite places. One student asks “Is there…?”; other students can answer “Yes, there is.” or “No, there isn’t.” Afterwards, I will invite some groups to share their report in the class.

They can make a chart like this:

Is there…in the …?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Afterwards, I will invite someone to share the report in the class.

The purpose is to develop students’ ability of communication and lead them learning by doing.

Step 5. Summary

For the summary of this lesson, students summarize what they have learnt in this class, and I will make supplements. The purpose is to strengthen students’ understanding of the new knowledge. Thus, students can summarize what they have learnt. Thus, I can check the effect of the class and make plans for the next class. And students can live a happier life.

Step 6. Homework

For the final part of this lesson, I will ask students to observe and draw a picture about our school after class. And introduce the picture with the new learned sentences to their parents. Students are encouraged to share to the whole class the next day.

By doing the homework, students can strength what they have learnt after class, which can also enhance their interest on observing.








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